Saturday, March 12, 2011

Adoption vs. New Mom at 19?

Being alittle wiser now that im an adult i'll tell you everyone had bigger plans for themselves kids or no kids. Teachers I have had told me they wanted to be lawyers had degree and all but got stuck being a teacher basically go lower down the line at Wal-Mart where I work most of the older people actually did go to college but couldn't get a job for their degree. What i'm saying is if this is the major reason why you are thinking of giving your baby up things still may not go as you planned like it does for many people people are always a notch down from where they planned to be. You pretty much are an adult now I could see if you actually were a teen but you have had your teenage years you have a good man good family if you have doughts don't do adoption. It would be even more painful if the main reason you gave up your baby never worked out anyway.

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