Friday, March 11, 2011

Why is it that I go to walmart and see this?

I work the grave yard shift at my job so I do all my shopping during the day. I hold down a full time job for the state and take care of my own buisness and myself along with my children. So why is it that when I go to wal mart in the middle of a week day and see all these well fare momas with thier sorry jobless boyfriends and all thier "chirlin" taggin along pushing along two full grocery carts full of food. and here I am working my *** off at a respectable job and I have a hand cart with a few Items and im trying to decide weather or not to have enough groceries to eat or have gas in my car. Then to top it all off I go to to the 20 items or less check out with my less than 20 actual items and low and behold theres welfare moma and her beybeys kids infront of me with half the grocery store in thier carts talkin to the chick behind the register like all " uhh girlll how u doin " and the man boy boyfriend is standing there with his 50 cent hat on lookin at the candy isle tryin to figure out which pack of juicy fruit he is going to chew on with his " iced out grill". and the whole time im trying to figure out how in the hell the government lets such a debaucle of unproductive human beings skate by so easily in life? answers?

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